Professional Human Hair Extensions China Wholesale

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Your Guide to Brazilian Remy Hair Extensions

Hair extensions are an amazing fashion accessory. Silky smooth extensions look beautiful in every setting, from the night club to the workplace. Whether you want to add a little extra length and volume for that special occasion or totally update and add glamour to your look, Brazilian Remy Hair Extension are the perfect choice.

If you are thinking about investing in some extensions, you probably have a lot of questions to ask. Where does the hair come from? How is the finished product made? Are the extensions good quality? What styles, textures, and colors are available? Fortunately, this complete guide to Brazilian Remy Hair Extensions will tell you everything you need to know about this fabulous hair:


What is Remy Hair?


Brazilian Remy Hair is well known for its soft and silky appearance. Many people often mistake Remy as a brand of hair manufacturer. However the term ‘Remy’ refers to a type of fine quality human hair with cuticles left in tact for optimum natural appearance. These extensions are designed to create subtle, natural Brazilian waves which are full of texture and shine. Unsurprisingly, a lot of advanced technology and precision work goes into creating extensions that stay so smooth and tangle free.


To makes sure that every strand remains in the right place, each hair cuticle is aligned in exactly the same direction. This crucial step helps to create a continuous flow of hair that keeps its volume and attractive appearance for the longest possible period of time. The hair’s characteristic full body and soft texture are both due to the processing, care, and attention we put into every product.


Where Does Brazilian Hair Come From?


All of our high quality human hair extensions are sourced from the Amazonas, in the rural North West of Brazil. This region is special because of the ethnically diverse population and the wide variety of hair types and textures that are available there. Natural Brazilian hair is strong and healthy which is perfect when making the best hair extension products around.


How Brazilian Remy Hair Produced?


Once our team has collected good quality hair, all samples are taken to our factory close by in North West Brazil. Here we sort the hair into various sizes and colors ready to be processed and then delivered to the customer. To ensure that hair is in the best condition when bought, it is put through a process called hackling. The hair is first untangled and separated into individual strands. It is then intensively cleaned and conditioned to make sure that it is as soft and pure as possible. Every impurity is stripped from the strands. Once the hair is completely dry, our hair extensions are ready to be produced.


What Colors and Styles Are Available?


These extensions come in a range of colors, lengths, and textures. Out of all of the products, the Brazilian Remy Weave is undoubtedly the most popular. There are many natural shades of brown to choose between, from pale honey tones through to rich dark chocolate shades. Completely straight, soft waves, and fantastically curly hair is all available to suit your look.


Brazilian Remy Hair range is the perfect choice for anyone wanting a luscious, glossy, and exotic South American look.