Professional Human Hair Extensions China Wholesale

Here you can get more news and informations, heat themes disscussion about various human hair extensions,styles of brazilian, malaysian, indian, peruvian virgin hair and lace top closure, just share together! Welcome!

Knowing Your Face And Choosing The Best Human Virgin Hair Suitable For You

Having a good hair style is so important for people, but there is no doubt that different people have different hair styles, and only when people get the best 100% human hair weave extensions suitable for them, can they of a good looking, if not, you will looks funny. When choosing a good quality human hair extensions, first of all, you should know well about your face.

Purchasing Right Human Remy Hair Weave According To Your Face

A long face: hair curly wave is nice, which can increase the elegant taste, you should choose loose and elegant, a disorderly hair neatly;

A round face: You had better choose straight hair of high top, sides stick, straight's vertical line can decrease the width of your round face on the vision;

A square face: full bangs is not proper, but you can use asymmetric inclined bang, short straight hair of hair end to cheek side.

A triangle face: chooing hair according to the proportional relationship of face and hair style, when combing, fleeciness up part of hair above ear;

Nabla face: choose the asymmetrical hair style side seam separately, to reveal the full forehead, hair can be slightly disorderly;