How to Stop And Reduce Hair Extensions Shedding?
Is your weave guilty of misbehaving, also known as shedding, soon after it’s installed? Don’t worry, it’s not alone. Any wefted hair (temporary human hair extensions that are sewn or glued into a person’s natural hair) can shed. You’re bound to get shed from synthetic hair, but the same goes for even the most expensive Brazilian virgin hair, Peruvian, Indian or Malaysian human hair extensions. There are reasons for the shed, but there are also ways to prevent it.
Seal the wefts
When the weft is cut to create styles, shedding can occur. Sealing the hair at the wefts before the extensions are installed is an excellent way to avoid the shed. Some people use fabric glue or other alternative, but since these are not designed to be weft sealers, they may not withstand exposure to heat, oil and water.
Therefore, it is recommended to choose a quality weft sealer product recommended by a stylist. Quality products will also leave the area flexible after drying. Speaking of your stylist, the individual should avoid cutting the weft. If cutting occurs, the stylist should seal it back properly where the hair was cut.
Proper brushing and combing
Make sure your wholesale virgin hair extensions are brushed properly. Excessive brushing and combing can loosen the hair from the weft, but so can brushing and combing the hair incorrectly. Hair should be brushed while it is wet and while holding the hair half way down and starting from the ends, working your way up. In other words, always comb or brush your hair from the bottom up.
PS:A wide-toothed comb should ideally be used to gently detangle hair and then the regular fine-toothed comb may be used to style the hair as per one’s need. This will reduce the risk of hair breakage and hair shedding while combing.
It is best not to comb the hair while it is wet as this leads to greater chances of hair breakage and shedding . Let it be dry or semi-dry before combing.
Do not rub your hair vigorously with towel. This will only lead to unwanted hair breakage. Use the towel instead to gently soak out excess moisture.
To avoid the shed, hair should be moisturized consistently with natural products. Shampoo and conditioning should be done no more than once a week, with natural products, and distributed with a wide tooth comb. Apply a leave-in conditioner to the weave and gently comb it in. Allow your weave to air-dry thoroughly. Avoid using a blow dryer and keep the use of other tools that give off heat, such as curling irons and flat irons, to a minimum. The goal is to keep your extensions as non-dry and healthy as possible to avoid excessive shedding.
Hot oil treatments
Hot oil treatments is one of the best answers to address the problem of hair extensions shedding !
The tradition of oiling the hair to enhance and retain its natural beauty hails from ancient India.Instead of opting for an expensive parlor treatment, it is best to use natural products that are safe, produce no side effects and are also effective.
Natural oils such as coconut, olive, canola, jojoba, sesame etc. can be used to massage the scalp for countering human hair extensions shedding and encouraging new hair growth. You have to warm the oil of your choice by heating it; ensure that it’s not too hot but bearable, gently massage your scalp using your fingers or even a cotton ball may be used. Next, wear a shower cap, leaving it on for about 1 hour and rinse off using a mild shampoo.
Wrap it up
Wrap your hair up at night with a silk scarf. The scarf will prevent your weave from drying, breaking and snagging while you sleep. However, don’t tie it up too tight. That can also cause the shed. You may also wrap a second scarf around the first scarf for added security while you sleep.